nOne and Three Chairs

2008 nOne and Three Chairs is an installation that intends to propose the conceptual plane of artistic practice as a semantic and representative structuring of  reality. As the title suggests, nOne and Three Chairs is a reenactment of one of the most important artworks in conceptual art: One and three chairs by Joseph Kosuth, revisited […]


2007 Questo lavoro intende porsi in modo ironico nel digitale sfruttando i paradigmi dell’arte classica. A differenza delle precedenti produzioni, questa,  si rivolge anche verso l’arte e la sua storia, e tenta in qualche modo di stabilire un ponte con il contemporaneo. Il mio lavoro è stato prendere il codice di una foto che mi […]

Hidden Nude

2007 Hidden nude is a print of the hexadecimal code that constitutes the information of a digital photo  portraying the nude author. The real mathematical essence of digital images is totally alienated by the real object of representation. In this way, the nudity is hidden by the digital code, the same code that allows the […]