Arnulf Rainer for digital performers, concert version

“Arnulf Rainer for digital performers” is an installation that reenact the Peter Kubelka’s film: Arnulf Rainer. This experimental film is based on a composition of black and white frames that creates a stroboscopic rhythm formed by the essence of the cinematic image: light and its variations. In order to achieve his aesthetic intention, Peter Kubelka […]

Unpainted Undrawn (series)

“Unpainted Undrawn” is a series of works that consist of cracked screens, mounted in classical and modern picture frames. These screens are collected from dismissed devices such as: tablets, ebook readers, smartphones, monitors, and several other kinds of digital device. Screen damages reveals the material essence of electronic based images, as well as their potential […]


  Trāṭaka is an interactive installation based on a brain-computer interface. Trāṭaka is a Sanskrit term which means “to look” or “to gaze” and it refers to a meditation technique. This practice consists in concentrate the attention in a small object, or more commonly in a flame. In meditation, this technique is used to stimulate […]

HGP card (Human Genome Programming)

2011 photographic triptych 45×30 cm The complete mapping of the human genome, is the transliteration of  biological information in to the cultural domain. The informational structure of the human genome sees a close parallelism to the digital systems’ essence. The genome and the digital nature have the same peculiarities in their skill to “in-form”, give […]

CD player

2010 CD players don’t play and they aren’t played, they don’t contain referential information, their form and meaning are only a pure interpretation of the reading of hardware and software systems. “CD player” installation will legitimize its name, proposing a CD player that plays its mechanic sounds and vibrations . The noise of the engine […]